
Hawaiian Example Sentences

About Laʻana!

Laʻana is a tool for learners of Hawaiian to search example sentences. Our goal is to allow learners to see how words are used in context, similar to The Tatoeba Project. This is useful for things like adding sentences to flashcards, or just seeing more context to better understand a word.

This project also serves a secondary purpose of being the first Hawaiian sentence corpus. This means that we can eventually begin collecting some interesting data on things like word frequency and common search terms.

Laʻana! is a pet project by Zachary Silva. I don't know why I am compelled to use the word "we" since I am the only person working on this. I am not making any money on this project. This was simply made for fun and because I have an interest in prepetuating the Hawaiian language.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email Any advice or criticism is appreciated.